规则是通过文件方式来定义的,这些规则加载目录可以通过prometheus.yaml 配置文件进行定义,比如:
# Load rules once and periodically evaluate them according to the global 'evaluation_interval'. rule_files: - "rule/*.yml" # - "first_rules.yml" # - "second_rules.yml"
groups: - name: tcp port check rules: - alert: tcp_port_check failed for: 5s expr: probe_success{job="tcp_port_check"} == 0 labels: serverity: critical annotations: description: "{{ $ }}的{{ $ }} tcp检测失败,当前probe_success的值为{ { $value }}" summary: "{{ $ }}组的应用 {{ $ }} 端口检测不通"
(1)报警规则名称name(这个可以通过promethues status-rule可以看到报警规则名称。
(4)rule具体规则:触发器表达式,报警的核心。 这里要设置针对哪个target的什么指标 设置什么值 进行触发。
(5)rule具体规则:报警级别。 类似zabbix的报警级别。
1,linux基本资源指标监控,比如cpu、内存、网卡、磁盘等,也可以通过promsql 自己设定其他规则
[root@cn-hz-21yunwei-devops rule]# cat linux_rule.yml groups: - name: linux_alert rules: - alert: "linux load5 over 5" for: 5s expr: node_load5 > 5 labels: serverity: critical annotations: description: "{{ $ }} over 5,当前值:{{ $value }}" summary: "linux load5 over 5" - alert: "node explorter have down" for: 5s expr: up==0 labels: serverity: critical annotations: description: "{{ $ }} -- {{ $labels.instance }} ,当前值:{{ $value }}" summary: "node explorter value equle 0" - alert: "cpu used percent over 80% per 1 min" for: 5s expr: 100 * (1 - avg by(instance) (irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode="idle"}[1m]))) * on(instance) group_left(hostname) node_uname_info > 80 labels: serverity: critical annotations: description: "{{ $ }} -- {{ $labels.instance }} ,当前值:{{ $value }}" summary: "cpu used percent over 80% per 1 min" - alert: "memory used percent over 85%" for: 5m expr: ((node_memory_MemTotal_bytes - node_memory_MemFree_bytes - node_memory_Buffers_bytes - node_memory_Cached_bytes) / (node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{instance!~"172..*"})) * 100 > 85 labels: serverity: critical annotations: description: "{{ $ }} -- {{ $labels.instance }} ,当前值:{{ $value }}" summary: "memory used percent over 85%" - alert: "eth0 input traffic network over 10M" for: 3m expr: sum by(instance) (irate(node_network_receive_bytes_total{device="eth0",instance!~"172.1.*|172..*"}[1m]) / 128/1024) * on(instance) group_left(hostname) node_uname_info > 10 labels: serverity: critical annotations: description: "{{ $ }} -- {{ $labels.instance }} ,当前值:{{ $value }}" summary: "eth0 input traffic network over 10M" - alert: "eth0 output traffic network over 10M" for: 3m expr: sum by(instance) (irate(node_network_transmit_bytes_total{device="eth0",instance!~"172.1.*|175.*"}[1m]) / 128/1024) * on(instance) group_left(hostname) node_uname_info > 10 labels: serverity: critical annotations: description: "{{ $ }} -- {{ $labels.instance }} ,当前值:{{ $value }}" summary: "eth0 output traffic network over 10M" - alert: "disk usage over 80%" for: 10m expr: (node_filesystem_size_bytes{device=~"/dev/.+"} - node_filesystem_free_bytes{device=~"/dev/.+"} )/ node_filesystem_size_bytes{device=~"/dev/.+"} * 100 > 80 labels: serverity: critical annotations: description: "{{ $labels.mountpoint }} 分区 over 80%,当前值:{{ $value }}" summary: "disk usage over 80%"
2,icmp 监控 (主要用来判断target是否在线或者是有网络抖动)
[root@cn-hz-21yunwei-devops rule]# cat check_icmp_rule.yml groups: - name: icmp check rules: - alert: icmp_check failed for: 5s expr: probe_success{job="icmp_check"} == 0 labels: serverity: critical annotations: description: "{{ $ }}的{{ $labels.hostname }} icmp检测失败,当前probe_success的值为{ { $value }}" summary: "{{ $ }}组的服务器 {{ $labels.hostname }} 服务器检测不通"
3,端口监控(判断某个端口socket是否通信 ,一般是对应某个业务守护进程,比如go进程,mysql,mongo,redis等等)
[root@cn-hz-21yunwei-devops rule]# cat check_port_rule.yml groups: - name: tcp port check rules: - alert: tcp_port_check failed for: 5s expr: probe_success{job="tcp_port_check"} == 0 labels: serverity: critical annotations: description: "{{ $ }}的{{ $ }} tcp检测失败,当前probe_success的值为{ { $value }}" summary: "{{ $ }}组的应用 {{ $ }} 端口检测不通"
4,url 监控
[root@cn-hz-21yunwei-devops rule]# cat check_url_rule.yml groups: - name: httpd url check rules: - alert: http_url_check failed for: 5s expr: probe_success{job="http_url_check"} == 0 labels: serverity: critical annotations: description: "{{ $ }}的{{ $ }} url检测失败,当前probe_success的值为{ { $value }}" summary: "{{ $ }}组的应用 {{ $ }} url接口检测不通"
转载请注明:21运维 » Prometheus 报警规则参考-笔记