之前的笔记 《Saltstack配置管理学习笔记:requisites处理状态之间关系》 ,记录了一些安装包间的依赖关系以及 文件状态间的关系,可以进行一个声明的全面执行以及文件状态改变后的同步操作。
(1)- file状态使用te’mplate参数
– template:jinja
(2)模板文件里边使用变量名称{{ 变量 }} 比如 {{ HOST }} {{PORT}}
– default:
HOST: {{ grains[‘fqdn_ip4’][0] }} 或者使用{{ salt[‘network.hw_addr’](‘eth0’) }} 等方式获取具体信息
IPORT: 8080
# Accept connections on the specified port, default is 6379. # If port 0 is specified Redis will not listen on a TCP socket. port {{ PORT }} # If you want you can bind a single interface, if the bind option is not # specified all the interfaces will listen for incoming connections. # bind {{ HOST }}
2,修改redis.sls,设置启用jinja模板 。我这里设置一个jinja模板,PORT 可以设置成需要的端口。 HOST这里就比较灵活了,只要可以获取对应信息的方式都可以,比如通过直接指定、grains获取客户端信息、pillar获取客户端信息等。这里以grains组件获取为例。
另外 {{ grains[‘fqdn_ip4’][0] }}也可以直接写入source的目标文件中,但这种不直观,不建议。所有的操作建议都是从sls文件中实现,统一、直观。
redis-service: pkg.installed: - name: redis - require_in: - file: redis-service file.managed: - name: /etc/redis.conf - source: salt://files/redis.conf - template: jinja - defaults: PORT: 6379 HOST: {{ grains['fqdn_ip4'][0] }} service.running: - name: redis - enable: True - watch: - file: redis-service
---------- ID: redis-service Function: file.managed Name: /etc/redis.conf Result: True Comment: File /etc/redis.conf updated Started: 17:32:23.210806 Duration: 137.856 ms Changes: ---------- diff: --- +++ @@ -22,12 +22,12 @@ # Accept connections on the specified port, default is 6379. # If port 0 is specified Redis will not listen on a TCP socket. -port 6378 +port 6379 # If you want you can bind a single interface, if the bind option is not # specified all the interfaces will listen for incoming connections. # -bind +bind 43.252.228.xxx # Specify the path for the unix socket that will be used to listen for # incoming connections. There is no default, so Redis will not listen ---------- ID: redis-service Function: service.running Name: redis Result: True Comment: Service restarted Started: 17:32:23.471798 Duration: 1298.179 ms Changes: ---------- redis: True