在写这篇文章之前,感觉有些多余。因为之前已经写过文章《[原创]Saltstack远程执行学习笔记:模块module使用》 已经详细介绍了 如何查看组件,每个组件有哪些函数可以调用。 赶上朋友问我如何通过salt批量在服务器端执行shell脚本,看来还是有必要再补充一个。即:
[root@21yunwei shell]# salt "21yunwei" cmd.script salt://shell/etcbak.sh 21yunwei: ---------- pid: 422 retcode: 0 stderr: tar: Removing leading `/' from member names stdout: etc bakup sucess
[root@21yunweishell]# salt "21yunwei" sys.doc cmd.script
#!/bin/bash time=`date +%F` [ ! -d /home/21yunwei/etcbak ] && mkdir -p /home/oldboy/etcbak || echo "etcbak exist" tar zcf /home/21yunwei/etcbak/etcbak$time.tar.gz /etc [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "etc bakup sucess" || echo "etc bakup error,please check"
[root@21yunwei shell]# salt "21yunwei" sys.list_functions cmd 21yunwei: - cmd.exec_code - cmd.exec_code_all - cmd.has_exec - cmd.retcode - cmd.run - cmd.run_all - cmd.run_chroot - cmd.run_stderr - cmd.run_stdout - cmd.script - cmd.script_retcode - cmd.shell - cmd.shells - cmd.tty - cmd.which - cmd.which_bin
[root@21yunwei shell]# salt "21yunwei" sys.doc cmd.script 'cmd.script:' Download a script from a remote location and execute the script locally. The script can be located on the salt master file server or on an HTTP/FTP server. The script will be executed directly, so it can be written in any available programming language. The script can also be formatted as a template, the default is jinja. Arguments for the script can be specified as well. CLI Example: salt '*' cmd.script salt://scripts/runme.sh salt '*' cmd.script salt://scripts/runme.sh 'arg1 arg2 "arg 3"' salt '*' cmd.script salt://scripts/windows_task.ps1 args=' -Input c:\tmp\infile.txt' shell='powershell' A string of standard input can be specified for the command to be run using the ``stdin`` parameter. This can be useful in cases where sensitive information must be read from standard input.: salt '*' cmd.script salt://scripts/runme.sh stdin='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n'
转载请注明:21运维 » Saltstack远程执行学习笔记:SaltStack如何通过组件cmd.script在服务器端批量执行shell脚本